Growing up, I had an inescapable desire to better myself and always excel in everything I do. This relentless desire to push forward under favorable or disagreeable circumstances has been the force that helped me stay strong, always filling me with a feeling of life and self-fulfillment. I’ve yet to relent this feeling, that emotion of invincible prowess and tenor; that consciousness that takes home deep within me to satisfy the ephemeral palpitations of my heart, which at times in discord with my mind, wreaks havoc on my soul.
Those feelings that were at times destructive and self-loathing manifestations of my own demons, ones that persisted from my childhood and into adulthood, and that same nightmare that haunted me as a child and never tenders me any peace for a single night, are part of the same driving force that has shaped the core of my existence. To this day, this seemingly insatiable nightmare that manifests itself night after night continues to be part of my everyday feverish and endless, thoughtless, and many times reckless stream of consciousness.